Thanks to the generous contributions of our sponsors, Legacy Park is able to continue to offer our residents many events at little or no charge. To become a sponsor please contact our Activities Director at . View our events brochure below for more sponsorship information.Read More →

Legacy Park Players’ Code of Ethics Adopted June 18, 2009 I, as a player in a Legacy Park sport program, I agree to do the following: Play this game to have fun. Work hard to improve my skills. Make every reasonable effort to be at all practices and games. Pay attention to the coaches and be respectful to them. Cheer for my teammates. Not yell at my opponents or the umpires or referees. Pick up anything I bring to practices or games. I have read the above Code of Ethics and fully agree to abide by and support it as a player in a LegacyRead More →

Legacy Park Parents’ Code of Ethics Adopted June 18, 2009 I, as a parent in a Legacy Park sport program, agree to the following: I will remember that I am a parent and that the game is for children and not adults. I understand that the coach, other parents, and the children are making a commitment of their time and energy and I need to do the same. I will make every reasonable effort to have my child at all practices and games, on time, and if I cannot, I will notify the coach to let them know that my child will be late orRead More →